Beyond Income

Your job can be your ticket to Jannah — discover how to turn your work into an act of worship and create a lasting legacy that benefits your Akhirah.

Finding Purpose & Jannah through Work

  • Understanding Islam’s take on work & career.

  • Clarity on how to pursue your dreams without compromising your faith.

  • A step-by-step guide to using your career as a tool for building your Akhirah.

  • Tools to bring Ihsan into all aspects of your life—work, worship, and personal growth.

  • Real-life examples and practical tips for thriving in your career while honoring your Islamic values.

Why Should You Get A Copy?

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This is NOT another self-help book. This is your action oriented guide to building a career that you love.

Gain clarity on your goals, discover your “why,” and create actionable steps for long-term success—both in this world and the next.

Beyond Income Will Teach You How To…

Discover who you are

Learn where you are in life and what your beliefs are. Once you know who you are, your strong points and define “success”, you’ll be one step closer to building your dream life.

Unlock your potential & find joy in your work

No more dreading Mondays. Look for your passions and leverage it to build your dream career that leaves you feeling energized, purposeful, and grounded in your faith.

Realign your work to build your Jannah

Stop missing out on good deeds. Learn how to turn your 9-to-5 into your greatest investment for the akhirah, building your Jannah while it pays your bills.

Get your life together 

Set ambitious goals and create realistic short and long-term plans to bring your dream life into reality. A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Leave behind a positive legacy

When you die, all your deeds end—or do they? Strategize how to leave a lasting impact in this world, ensuring your good deeds continue to grow while you’re in the grave.






What our readers are saying…

Beyond income is the book to read if you want more than just theoretical information on how to maximise your actions and your work in this world to benefit you in BOTH this world and the next.

This book is the perfect blend of career and deen coming together to maximise the benefit of your work and actions in both worlds.

Excellent read for the purposeful Muslim who wants to make a different in this world, while building both their akhirah and their legacy in this world.


Beyond Income presents a holistic approach to professional and personal growth, emphasizing the importance of building a legacy that aligns with Islamic values and serves a higher purpose, taking Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) as the role Model.

As a life coach, Hiba encourages readers to view their careers not merely as a means of income but as pathways to contribute positively to the world and to their own hereafter. Through practical advice on goal-setting, intentional living and community service the book inspires readers to cultivate a legacy of integrity, purpose, and lasting impact, elevating work to an act of worship and moral responsibility.

I recommend this interactive book to anyone seeking to build an inspiring legacy for themselves. Be sure to keep your notebook and pen with you to sketch out your life plan as it takes you on a journey from discovering yourself to strategizing your legacy.


Exclusive Bonuses for the First 500 Readers!

Be among the first 500 to purchase and receive these special bonuses:

  • First 5 Readers: Get 1-on-1 mentorship in the Beyond Income MasterClass + a Beyond Income Journal.

  • First 50 Readers: Access group mentoring in the MasterClass + a Beyond Income Journal.

  • First 500 Readers: Receive a Beyond Income Journal.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your growth journey even further!

Book Reviews!

Not sure if the book is a good fit for you?

This book is for you if…

You’re an ambitious student not sure of your career choice.

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to have a particular career growing up.

You’ve poured your heart into your studies, and finally picked your major.

But now that you’re in university, uncertainty begins to creep in. 

You find yourself questioning whether this career is truly what you want or just what others have convinced you to pursue.

You aspire to achieve greatness and make a difference, but you’re still trying to figure out what that looks like.

Beyond Income is here to guide your search & create a realistic success plan.

You’re a Muslim professional who feels unfulfilled with your current career.

You’re tired of seeing others live their “dream life” and wonder when it’ll be your turn

Often times we feel stuck in our work schedules that we find it hard to manage life.

The rat race makes you crazy. You feel like quitting but too afraid to that.

Not sure what to do and where to even start!

And on top of that you realize you weren’t created to just hustle around

You were created build your JANNAH!

Now being ambitious and starting your dream career seems like chasing Dunya.

You want to get out of this endless energy sucking spiral but feel trapped!

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

“I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.”

adh-Dhariyat 51: 56

You know Allah created you to worship him but feel caught up with your work and other responsibilities.

And end up feeling like…

“I work hard every day, but I worry that I'm neglecting my Akhirah in the process.

But I want to succeed in BOTH!”

What if I told you that you could be building your JANNAH while you work?

No, you don’t need an “Islamic” job.

No, you don’t need to switch careers.

You CAN do that with your dream career.

Read it again!

You can do that with your DREAM CAREER.

I know what you might be thinking…

How is that even possible?

Yes, it might sound impossible at first but it is possible.

I’m guessing you want to find out HOW and build your DREAM CAREER and your Jannah ASAP!

And that is why…

I wrote Beyond Income to help realign you align your AMBITIONS with your JANNAH. With the right intentions and ihsan, your 9-to-5 can become a significant investment in your akhirah and leave a positive impact.

This book is your step-by-step guide to navigating career paths, strategizing your legacy, and living a life you LOVE—all while building your home in the Hereafter.

I know…

Sometimes, we settle for just getting by. We do for the bare minimum, clocking in and out and collecting our paychecks. We fall into complacency and maybe even…


But Hey! You weren’t created to lead an ordinary life.

You were created to dream big, excel and lead.

The Prophet ﷺ was no ordinary person. He had big dreams and ambitions.

You might say ‘Well! He was a Prophet…’

I know. But take a look at him before he became a Prophet…

He wasn’t your average person then too.

He was very ambitious, socially active and an amazing community member!

And I’m guessing you don’t plan on living an ordinary life either. But feel like you don’t have any choice.

You probably have a list of areas in your life you want to improve—your health, wealth, relationships, studies, and so on.

But let’s be honest: how many of those dreams actually become reality? How many ideas turn into concrete plans?

And this why I designed this book to help you discover your true passions and align them with your strengths. Then, you’ll create actionable plans to bring those goals to life.

I’ll guide you through THREE different planning strategies for your life. Plus, I’ll teach you how to plan for the Akhirah—something many people forget to do!…

…so you can continue earning good deeds even after you leave this world, inshaAllah.

Success isn’t accidental, nor is Jannah. It’s time to take intentional steps toward both.

Tomorrow isn’t promised. If you're truly seeking change—whether it’s more clarity, a fulfilling career, a deeper connection with Allah, or all of the above—it’s time to take action.

Don’t look back on this dunya with regret, wishing you had done more. Let’s strive to be among those on the Day of Judgment, smiling with joy as we receive our book in our right hand.

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